News Item

High profile for CiViTAS at Shanghai EXPO 2010


With the cities of Bremen (Germany) and Odense (Denmark), two out of three worldwide showcases for urban mobility at EXPO 2010 originate from the context of the successful European CiViTAS initiative. The theme of EXPO 2010 is “Better City, better life”. Rupprecht Consult helped to organise international promotion events of CIVITAS during this years' world exhibition.

The largest World Exposition of all times takes places in Shanghai, China. From 1st May until 31st October, the Chinese metropolis hosts the EXPO 2010. About 70 million visitors are expected on the exposition area on the riverbanks of the Huangpu-river. The 2010 EXPO has the theme ‘Better Cities – Better Life’ and is focussing on urban sustainability. Besides the National pavilions, the EXPO presents in the “Urban Best Practice Area” (UBPA) a group of about 45 best practice examples from various fields of urban sustainability. These examples were selected by an independent committee chaired by Dr. Anna Tibajukka, Director of UN-HABITAT. Two out of three transport-related examples are CIVITAS cities: Odense and Bremen, Rupprecht Consult's CiViTAS project partners, the third example being London. Whereas Odense presents a bicycle-paradise, the Bremen presentation is around Car- Sharing. Both elements are related and seem crucial to solve the increasing traffic problems of the growing cities. The Forum area of the Bremen EXPO stand was the venue for a two-day workshop about sustainable urban transport as part of the international promotion activities of CiViTAS. The workshop followed the inauguration of the first Shanghai Car-Sharing service, which also took place on the Bremen stand.The workshop was structured into two focal days:
  • the framework of political decision-making
  • and practical examples of technical implementation.
 The workshop structure (video presentations in the morning and oral presentations in the afternoon) allowed participants to visit the EXPO first and then to participate in the thematic workshop. A main target of the workshop was the media as well. More than 20 interviews were given to various Chinese media (TV, radio, papers. Siegfried Rupprecht gave an introductory overview about European policies and initiatives in the field of sustainable urban transport and chaired the second day. The political view was given by Dr. Reinhard Loske, Senator for Environment, Construction, Transport and European Affairs of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. He is the responsible minister of the State and as well councillor of the City of Bremen. Under the title “There is no silver bullet – the integrated approach of Bremen” he presented the various elements of the (successful) Bremen way to reduce dependence on the car. On the day after the workshop, a Danish delegation led by the Danish Minister for Environment, Mrs. Karen Ellemann, visited the Bremen stand to get more information about the Bremen approach – especially concerning electric mobility and about Car-Sharing.

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