Project Details


Increasing peoples' awareness and use of public transport through active mobility consultancy with focus on feeder systems


Project details

Duration 02/2014 - 08/2016


Coordinator BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,Vienna, Institute for Transport Studies

Project goal

Eight rural and peripheral regions in Europe prepared, implemented and evaluated a local AMC-campaign. Existing approaches, such as the “active mobility consultancy” (AMC)-campaign implemented 2011 by BOKU in Lower Austria and campaigns carried out by partners such as UOY, VRS, AGENEAL and AUTh were further developed in SmartMove based on exchange of experiences and mutual learning.

This included:

  • the adaptation of the existing approach to recent developments and specific requirements of the implementing regions
  • the inclusion of Feeder systems into the AMC-campaign
  • a common evaluation method.

The result is an easy to use AMC-concept that can be applied by PT operators all over Europe. Thereby, the Project contributes to solve main problems of PT schemes in rural areas.


The key outputs of SmartMove:

  • Demonstration of AMC-campaigns in 8 implementing rural and peripheral regions including all aspects from planning, preparation over implementation to evaluation
  • Further development of AMC-campaigns by considering hot issues such as demographic change, relevant PT feeder systems (“first rural mile”) among others
  • Intensive training and knowledge transfer between the SmartMove partners via 7 joint training seminars, supporting site visits and guidance material
  • Facilitated uptake of AMC-campaigns by external practitioners via 3 take-up seminars, webinars and a dedicated e-learning scheme, accompanied by easy-to-read guidance documents and comprehensive information for implementers on the project website

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Our team was a horizontal partner and worked on different measures for quality assurance at all consultancy stages. We were responsible for the concepts and content for training and knowledge transfer within the team, i.e. the implementation partners and the multipliers. We participated in learning workshops at the transnational and local level as well as in transferability workshops. Contributions to dissemination were also within the scope of our work.

Contact details

Henning Holdinghausen
+49 221 6060 55 13

Project partners