Project Details


The LOW-CARB project aimed to enhance capacities for integrated low-carbon mobility planning for functional urban areas by tackling burning issues such as integrated coordination, institutional cooperation and action plan development, including joint financing and public investments in low-carbon mobility systems in times of austerity. 


Project details

Duration 06/2017 – 11/2020


Coordinator Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH (Lead partner)

Project goal

LOW-CARB, funded by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme, aimed to enhance capacities for integrated low-carbon mobility planning in functional urban areas in Central Europe countries. LOW-CARB placed low-carbon public transport (PT) organisation at its centre to reduce GHG emissions, with new combined mobility offers like bike-sharing, smart mobility stations or multimodal information services.

11 project partners from 7 CE countries worked together for over 3 years in developing strategies, action plans, tools and pilot actions related to enhancing low-carbon mobility measures beyond the mere urban limits. The foreseen pilot actions were based on novel ideas like multimodal mobility platform, open-data platform, smart e-mobility charging station, e-bus service or e-(cargo)bike-sharing system. The pilot actions were based on a thorough analyse phase that formed the basis for low-carbon mobility strategies covering new governance models for integrated planning  and institutional coordination,  collaborative development of new innovative services for public transport (including new ways of joint financing and procurement of low-carbon technologies), or open data based mobility planning in functional urban areas. Through their innovative approaches, challenges like institutional cooperation, integrated coordination, measure monitoring and implementation, joint financing and public investments were tackled.


The main result of the LOW-CARB project was improved capacities for low-carbon mobility planning in functional urban areas. The main target groups were local/regional transport authorities and operators, enabling these and other relevant stakeholders to applying an integrated mobility planning process. This  included coaching, facilitating and expert advice on new strategies for integrated low-carbon mobility planning (according to the SUMP methodology), for example new ways of mobility planning through open data policies or joint financing concepts. LOW-CARB provided access to trainings and knowledge repositories like databases, tools, best-practice examples of pilots made stored and promoted through the CE SUMP Competence Centre (<link http:>, thus leading to a considerable reduction in CO2 emissions in partner functional urban areas. 

Role of Rupprecht Consult

In this project, we are external expert, coordinating project and financial management, as well as leader of project communication activities.

Project partners