Project Eltis/ SUMI 2 was the winner of the DG MOVE tender titled "European Urban Mobility Observatory and Support, including Web Portal Management, SUMP-Related Activities, and Urban Mobility Scoreboard (SUMI – Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators)” (MOVE/B4/2020/840). The project had two main components:
1. Managing, developing, and updating the Eltis portal (, and implementing specific SUMP-related activities (Activity 1).
2. Implementing specific activities related to Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (Activity 2).
Duration 12/2021 - 12/2023
Coordinator Ricardo Nederland BV
Activity 1: European Urban Mobility Observatory and Support including Web Portal Management, SUMP-Related Activities
Hosting and management of the Eltis portal
Keeping the Eltis portal up-to-date by including new content such as news items, case studies, and video clips, and by preparing regular newsletters
Promoting the uptake of SUMPs in Europe
Organizing regular meetings of the Coordination Group of the European Platform on SUMPs
Organizing the Urban Mobility Days Conference in 2022
Activity 2: Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI)
Proposing potential indicators to be incorporated into the update to the TEN-T Regulation
Surveying data availability among urban nodes (cities critical to the TEN-T network)
Improved Eltis portal
Regular provision of new content on the Eltis portal
Publication of regular Eltis newsletters
Eltis' presence on social media channels
Migration of Eltis content to the EU Urban Mobility Observatory
Development of an SUMP Knowledge Map
Streamlining of the SUMP Guidance
Update of the City database
TEN-T indicator proposals
Survey of data availability in over 200 urban nodes
Rupprecht Consult was responsible for:
leading and coordinating all tasks under Activity 2 "Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI) and Benchmarking Tool", including liaison with the EC, quality assurance of project outputs, and risk management
leading the development of indicator options for TEN-T
leading the promotion of the uptake of SUMPs in Europe
Marcel Braun
+49 221 6060 55 20
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
Ralf Brand
+49 221 6060 55 18
Ana-Maria Baston
+49 221 6060 55 0
Morgane Juliat
+49 221 6060 55 0