Project Details

Eltis/ SUMI2

Project Eltis/ SUMI 2 was the winner of the DG MOVE tender titled "European Urban Mobility Observatory and Support, including Web Portal Management, SUMP-Related Activities, and Urban Mobility Scoreboard (SUMI – Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators)” (MOVE/B4/2020/840). The project had two main components:

1. Managing, developing, and updating the Eltis portal (, and implementing specific SUMP-related activities (Activity 1).
2. Implementing specific activities related to Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (Activity 2).

Eltis/ SUMI2

Project details

Duration 12/2021 - 12/2023


Coordinator Ricardo Nederland BV

Project goal

Activity 1: European Urban Mobility Observatory and Support including Web Portal Management, SUMP-Related Activities

  • Hosting and management of the Eltis portal

  • Keeping the Eltis portal up-to-date by including new content such as news items, case studies, and video clips, and by preparing regular newsletters

  • Promoting the uptake of SUMPs in Europe

  • Organizing regular meetings of the Coordination Group of the European Platform on SUMPs

  • Organizing the Urban Mobility Days Conference in 2022

Activity 2: Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI)

  • Proposing potential indicators to be incorporated into the update to the TEN-T Regulation

  • Surveying data availability among urban nodes (cities critical to the TEN-T network)


  • Improved Eltis portal

  • Regular provision of new content on the Eltis portal

  • Publication of regular Eltis newsletters

  • Eltis' presence on social media channels

  • Migration of Eltis content to the EU Urban Mobility Observatory

  • Development of an SUMP Knowledge Map

  • Streamlining of the SUMP Guidance

  • Update of the City database

  • TEN-T indicator proposals

  • Survey of data availability in over 200 urban nodes

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult was responsible for:

  • leading and coordinating all tasks under Activity 2 "Sustainable Urban Mobility Indicators (SUMI) and Benchmarking Tool", including liaison with the EC, quality assurance of project outputs, and risk management

  • leading the development of indicator options for TEN-T

  • leading the promotion of the uptake of SUMPs in Europe

Project partners

Related resources

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