News Item

Project Status Workshop with the Aachen Data Pool team


The Aachen Data Pool Project team met in Aachen last week to catch up on all the different activities we've been working on and to discuss the latest developments in Aachen mobility. 

The full Aachen Data Pool Project team met in Aachen last Wednesday, 27th of September, for a workshop to assess progress on the project thus far. 

We caught up on all the different activities being carried out as part of the project and assessed how we were doing in relation to the project milestones. Some of the progress achieved so far includes holding four innovation workshops on different types of mobility data and their potential uses in urban planning; pedestrian, cyclist, and environmental data, as well as pedestrian flows relevant to local retail and hospitality businesses). Based on these, the FH Aachen and Cityscaper have already developed a customizable walkability index and a prototype for analyzing conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists. A further use case on bikeability is under development, and an assessment of further potential use cases based on the innovation workshops, as well as the data-tasting process is underway. 

As well as reviewing the project activities and next steps, we also discussed a range of relevant developments relating to mobility and data in Aachen, including the City of Aachen's plans to improve walking, cycling, and public transport access to the city center and minimize traffic. We are excited to explore how we can further support the city to make mobility in Aachen and the surrounding region more sustainable.

The Aachen data pool project (Ac-DatEP) is a project funded through the German mFUND to collect, analyze, enrich, and make available mobility data in Aachen. The purpose is to support sustainable mobility planning in the region as well as to provide opportunities for local start-ups and citizens to develop new data-use concepts. You can read more about the project here



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Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0