Project Details

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of İzmir (SUMP Izmir)

The purpose of the project is to prepare a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Izmir (SUMP Izmir) in accordance with the best European practices and standards. SUMP Izmir is intended to define policies and actions to be implemented in the mobility sector, based on an ambitious long-term vision, clear targets and objectives, and efficient packages of measures. These policies and interventions will incentivize sustainable mobility, increase the use of non-motorized trips, shared mobility and public transport. The proposed measures should facilitate the shift away from car dependent travel and contribute to reduction of congestion, de-carbonisation, and other negative effects due to excessive use of private vehicles. The project is part of the ambitious de-carbonisation process the city engaged itself in as part of the 100 cities mission of the European Commission.   

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of İzmir (SUMP Izmir)

Project details

Duration 07/2022 - 07/2024

Coordinator MuConsult – Panteia

Project goal

The purpose of the project is to prepare a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Izmir (SUMP Izmir) in accordance with the best European practices and standards. The project overall objective is to create a strategic basis for transport-related decisions in Izmir that should contribute to the decarbonisation of the transport sector in Izmir.


The project is divided into four components, namely “Analysis and scoping”, “SUMP strategy development”, “Measure planning and SUMP adoption” and “Capacity building, training and visibility”. By completion of the project, a new transport model will have been established, a common vision as well as indicators will have been developed, a SUMP action plan with a concrete proposal for pipeline of measures and projects will have been carried out. These results will have been accompanied by continuous capacity building activities for Izmir’s municipal staff and a comprehensive communication and visibility strategy. 

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult is fulfilling the position of Key Expert for SUMP, is responsible for Component 2. SUMP Strategy Development, with a focus on scenario building and on creating a common vision for Izmir, as well as on planning sustainable mobility measures. Additionally, Rupprecht is leading the stakeholder engagement process and Component 4. Capacity Building, Training and Visibility, which includes the preparation and delivery of stakeholder events, technical workshops and trainings on SUMP. 

Project partners


  • Izmir Metropolitan Municipality

Related resources

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