Project Details


Support action which aimed to disseminate information on clean urban transport


Project details

Duration 01/2006 - 04/2010

Coordinator FGM-AMOR

Project goal

By promoting European knowledge, transferring of know-how and enhancing capacities, the project contributed to an enabling environment for dialogue on clean urban transport between Europe and other regions in the world.

The workpackage on global dialogue covered the following tasks:

  • Needs identification and priority setting
  • Ensuring ELTIS transferability
  • Regional dissemination workshops and site visits to Europe
  • Policy dialogue
  • Integration and dissemination


PARAMOUNT strengthened existing networks and alliances for a continued exchange on clean urban transport issues. The following objectives were achieved:

  • Prioritisation workshops in Russia, Asia and China for the development of priority actions in sustainable urban transport;
  • European study tour for urban transport professionals from Asia, China and Latin America;
  • Participation of high-level representatives and decision makers from Asia, China and Latin America in the CIVITAS Fora;
  • Organisation and/or active participation in high-level international workshops or conferences;
  • Translation and submission of ELTIS case studies into Chinese and Russian and provision of urban transport case studies from China and Russia to ELTIS.

A report on the Global Dialogue was published towards the end of the project.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We co-ordinated the international part of the PARAMOUNT project. Our company co-operated closely with the Clean Air Initiative of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Chinese Academy of Transportation Sciences (CATS), the Russian State Scientific and Research Institute of Motor Transport (NIIAT) and partners in Latin America.

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

Project partners