Seminar in Madrid 2010© MOVE Project
Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability Assessment in Europe
Duration 10/2008 - 12/2011
Coordinator University of Florence, Italy
MOVE provided policy makers, public administrators, researchers, educators and other stakeholders with an improved generic framework and methodology for the measurement and assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards in Europe's regions. The methods developed by MOVE and tested in selected hazard and spatial contexts improve knowledge, methodologies, and integration strategies for the management of natural hazard vulnerability in Europe. MOVE aimed to test the usefulness of the framework by integrating stakeholders and end-users at an early stage of the research.
We led the MOVE workpackage "Validation and Dissemination of Outcomes". In this role, in addition to overseeing the general dissemination work within MOVE, we organised and moderated mid-term and final validation workshops. These events were viewed as a crucial project activity to test and validate (with project-external stakeholders and end-users) the applicability of MOVE results in a workshop setting. Towards the end of the project, our team facilitated the organisation of open local outreach workshops to disseminate the results of the project in selected locations across Europe.
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0