Project Details


CIVITAS-DYN@MO was an ambitious project with strategic importance to sustainable mobility planning in four dynamic European cities. Aachen (DE), Gdynia (PL), Koprivnica (HR) and Palma (ES) jointly developed "Mobility 2.0" systems and services, implemented city and citizen-friendly electric mobility solutions and vehicles, and engaged in a dynamic citizen dialogue for mobility planning and service improvement.

Project details

Duration 12/2012 - 11/2016


Coordinator City of Aachen

Project goal

<link>DYN@MO targeted "dynamic citizens (of all ages)", and especially the "digital natives" in response to an emerging new mobility paradigm. A considerable part of the younger population in the DYN@MO university cities were challenged to use web 2.0 apps to find appropriate means of travelling within the city and to communicate with PT operators.

A sound basis for mobility planning is a citizen-centred Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. The two leading cities Aachen and Gdynia advanced their planning culture, while Koprivnica and Palma planned to develop ambitious sustainable urban transport plans – all involving extensively citizens and stakeholders via web2.0 applications.

Clean public transport remains the backbone of urban transport systems, and the cities have strong commitment to enhance the environmental performance and energy efficiency of their fleets. Alternative fuels, such as CNG and hybrid buses, and the increased use of electromobility in public transport and car sharing schemes help to accelerate the introduction of clean vehicles in the European market. Venturing in new technology and mobility options as well as promoting new life styles increase the people’s acceptance for mobility without a private car.

The cities proposed complementing packages with a high degree of transferability across Europe. Profound evaluation and research with strong dissemination and mutual learning through Competence Centres strengthened the strategic impact of the project.


Each of DYN@MO’s four cities implemented and developed a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) within the project, and based on this, a set of related recommendations and lessons learned was compiled. The outcomes of each SUMP-related measure indicated the importance of sufficient support and involvement of key politicians and stakeholders, appropriate resources and data, and communication. Further measure-specific recommendations are elaborated for measures contributing to SUMPs.

Measures related to clean and energy efficient vehicles have results that emphasise the importance of leading by example and investing in renewable energies, as well as tips for including test phases as part of implementation.

The cities’ measures relating to the deployment of ICT and ITS yielded lessons on appropriate preparation and the importance of thorough integration of data and information into the new systems.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult was the Project Manager of the DYN@MO project and responsible for the management of demonstration activities, risk management, project management and progress reporting, as well as competence building in sustainable urban mobility planning.

Contact details

Marcel Braun
+49 221 6060 55 20

Hana Peters
+49 221 6060 55 0

Project partners