Against the backdrop of increasing electrification, digitalisation and automation, local public transport is currently undergoing a rapid phase of change. A change in the mobility behaviour of the population, which results, among other things, from the increasing flexibility of working and opening hours, ensures that the previous, rigid system of local public transport is no longer up to date. In addition, the classic, linear public transport system cannot develop its full potential, especially in rural areas. Here, public transport is not perceived as attractive by customers due to poor frequency and frequent transfers and therefore cannot compete with private transport. The district of Mettmann also faces such problems and is preparing for a system change with new, more flexible concepts.
Duration 06-2022 - 06-2023
Coordinator Rupprecht Consult-Forschung & Beratung GmbH
With the aim of an economic and ecological local transport service, the potential as well as suitable areas of application and sensible forms of operation of an on-demand transport service are to be investigated. The district of Mettmann has therefore commissioned the basic conceptual design for such a flexible service, which is to be developed in cooperation with the towns belonging to the district and the transport companies serving the district. Especially in peripheral areas and at times of low demand, there is a high potential for an on-demand service in feeder traffic and as an alternative to private transport. Future mobility planning should be designed to create alternatives to private transport and to ensure good networking in the region. In this context, public transport should serve as the backbone for a multimodal environmental network and an effective linking of the different modes of transport should be achieved.
Together with the service provider Via, Rupprecht Consult will examine the current traffic situation in the district on the basis of existing plans, concepts and data and identify potential areas for on-demand transport. In the further course, these will serve as the basis for determining economic service areas, for which detailed profiles can then be created using simulations and modelling.
Throughout the study, care is taken to ensure that a possible on-demand service integrates with the existing service and that there is no cannibalisation between on-demand and scheduled services. The aim of the service should be to complement the existing public transport and to achieve a transfer of the population from private transport to public transport by increasing its attractiveness.
Henning Holdinghausen
+49 221 6060 55 13