Project Details


Boosting Advanced Public Transport Systems


Project details

Duration 01/2008 - 04/2012


Coordinator The City of Bielefeld (Lead Partner)

Project goal

  • To improve the sustainable urban mobility in the metropolitan areas and cities of NWE, with a view to improving traffic fluidity by the use of traffic management systems, and by strengthening the efficiency and complementarity of different types of public transport systems.
  • To raise awareness for the benefits of the high-quality public transport systems already existing in various cities and regions throughout NWE among different target groups through various marketing and dissemination approaches.
  • To further interlink and connect transport planning with urban design to make planning processes more effective, accepted by citizens and for making cities more sustainable places to live and to reduce the negative impacts of transport.

Specific objective:

  • To create a so-called Advanced Public Transport system in dense populated areas in NWE in order to generate a maximum supply of travelers (users). The main activities in the project are focused on defining and carrying out actions aimed at developing and implementing joint pilot actions to identify solutions that will help to reduce the negative transnational impacts of commuting between cities, towns and rural areas.


More than 40 demonstration and dissemination actions in the nine partners from six countries across the North-West European cooperation space. Examples are:


  • Bielefeld
    3.000 households consulted on their current and future mobility behaviour
    Development of a study on the local mobility behaviour in 2030
    Development of a feasibility study to enlarge the light railway system of Bielefeld
    Introduction of mobile phone ticketing system
    Installation of a real time information system including 128 information screens in 16 tram
  • Lille
    198 crossroads equipped with bus priority devices and a 5% reduction of bus travel time achieved
    110 Real-time passenger information screens installed at bus stops
    29 infotainment screens at interchange stations installed
    Study to launch the production and implementation of the new contactless ticketing system
    120 communication boards about the new ticketing system
  • Dublin
    Over 100 large companies and organisations engaged, comprising more than 241,000 employees and students in organisations
    Average 18% reduction in single occupant car use and significant increases in cycling after minimum one year implementation of the Smart Work Travel programme
    Four annual Pedometer Challenges organised, with over 33,100 people in 40 organisations participating in the 2011 event
    Increases in walking on the commute and overall physical activity recorded every year
    Effective Partner network established and supported through exchange site visits, partner seminars and training
  • Nantes
    Implementation of 26 bicycle counting loops, delivery of 8km Chronobus line
    Increase of 30 kph areas from 9ha in 2008 to 101ha in 2012
    Increase of pedestrian areas from 16.4ha at the end of 2007 to 19.6ha at the end of 2012
  • Eindhoven
    Marketing and design research for innovative modal shift facility triggering a €1,8 million investment for the building of the facility
    Innovative designs of several sections of the 2nd BRT corridor in Eindhoven as a preparation for the building works
    6-month pilot ‘bus with a plus’ – a bus concept co-designed by target groups of future travellers
    Online regional door-to-door travel-planner using sustainable travel modes, including train, bus, bike and walking
    5,100 smart-card parking subscriptions and over 15% take up of smart-card based parking in pilot area in 2.5 years of operation
  • Southend
    Extensive sert public consultation to Southend, Essex and Thurrock businesses, residents and visitors
    Preferred sert route in Southend established between the seafront and the new airport terminal
    Submission of sert Business Case and Best and Final Funding Bid to the Department for Transport
    Completion of the Victoria Gateway Improvement incorporating a high-quality public transport interchange which includes potential for sert bus rapid transit vehicles
    Victoria Gateway Improvement has incorporated the removal of barriers enhanced connectivity and direct links between Victoria Station to and from the Town Centre for commuters, residents, visitors, Cyclist and busses
    Victoria Gateway improvement has provided a significant increase in public space creating a high quality public realm at the “Gateway” to the Town Centre and shaped a more sociable and pedestrian/cyclist friendly environment without a detrimental effect on the junction capacity
  • Darlington
    152 spaces for smart card operated cycle parking at Darlington train station
    106 Arriva-operated buses fitted with smart card readers to allow the facility for payment by smart card in the future
    Targeted marketing to all pupils under the age of 11 to promote the use of sustainable transport
    20 public engagement events to involve local residents in the design of the town centre fringe were carried out
  • Liège
    Strategic study about the reintroduction of a tram network
  • RMV
    Further development of the mobile internet portal of RMV to provide current and localised information resulting in 4,000 visits per day
    RMV-App development for three smartphone platforms (iOS, Android, BlackBerry)
    Implementation of QR-Codes and NFC-tags at 1000 stations as access points for information and ticketing in RMV area
    1,200 ConTags (NFC-tags / Kontaktpunkte) at stations in RMV area

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult teamed up with Ernenst Financial Engineering in order to provide comprehensive assistance and advice regarding all content and financial matters throughout the project development and application phase as well as project implementation to all project partners of BAPTS.

Contact details

Bonnie Fenton
+49 173 726 3681

Project partners