Project Details


Technological and Operational Support for Car shAring TOSCA


Project details

Duration 09/2000 - 02/2002

Coordinator Azienda Transporti Consorziali (ATC) Bologna

Project goal

TOSCA's main goal was to promote IST-based car sharing as an element of flexible and intermodal door-to-door mobility services. TOSCA integrated car sharing as an additional service to public transport.

The key objective of TOSCA was to promote the take-up of:

  • Mature, but insufficiently deployed, leading edge technologies,
  • Innovative implementation & business concepts of car sharing,
  • Integrated, IST-based car sharing as European Best Practice.

In order to achieve the objectives, TOSCA:

  • Realised the transfer of the innovative car sharing scheme of the City of Bremen to the public transport operator ATC-Bologna. This included the transfer of modern technology, innovative implementation and business concepts of car sharing.
  • Facilitated further take-up in other European cities.


  • Successful take-up of an IST-based car sharing system in the city of Bologna.
  • Further take-up in other European cities is starting, e.g. Strasbourg.
  • The benefits & options of IST-based car sharing have been made available to a wide public.
  • The integrated, technology-based car sharing concept should be established as best practice in Europe.
  • Expected future reduction of car traffic in Bologna as a result of the new mobility option.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We were responsible for the evaluation of the TOSCA project. Our role was to assess whether the TOSCA project has been successful in meeting its objectives.

We also supported the dissemination of project results. We coordinated and edited the detailed TOSCA take-up guide "Car-Sharing in Practice", including guidelines on how to plan and adopt an IST-based car sharing system. We provided the input for the ELTIS case studies database. Moreover, we co-ordinated the content preparation of the two workshops and TOSCA's final conference.

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