Project Details


MultiRELOAD enhances the collaboration between different freight nodes in Europe to jointly test innovations and create favourable market conditions for multimodal freight transport solutions.

To this end, MultiRELOAD will demonstrate solutions in three Innovation Areas with specific aims by 2025, mirroring the measures of the EU’s Smart Mobility Strategy, as follows:

A) Smart multimodal logistics: facilitate a shift from road to rail & IWT of 5%;

B) Digital & Automated Multimodal Nodes and Corridors: increase operational efficiency by 20 % raise of handling capacity;

C) Innovative business models: leading to an average cost reduction of freight transport by 10%.


Project details

Duration 09/2022 - 08/2025

Coordinator Dusiburg Hafen AG (Duisport)

Project goal

MultiRELOAD focusses on the specific role and challenges of inland ports & hubs as multimodal freight nodes in contributing to reaching Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of at least 55 % by 2030, thereby shifting a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road in the EU to inland waterways and to rail, and by increasing operational efficiency, safety and reliability of existing infrastructures (through digitalization) - thereby significantly reducing GHG emissions. Specific goals:

  • Implement smart multimodal logistics to achieve a modal shift from road to rail + 5% and IWT + 5% in MultiRELOAD hubs & corridors
  • Accelerate the use of digital & automated processes to increase operational efficiency within multimodal inland terminals and supply chains through corridors by 20 % raise of handling capacity by 2025
  • Ensure overall impacts assessment and analysis of transferability
  • Ensure the uptake of the developed solutions in the market leading to an average cost reduction of freight transport by 10%
  • Validate results and reach-out to port & freight-transport stakeholders across Europe

Role of Rupprecht Consult

WP1 lead: Project Manaement & Coordination

  • Project coordination
  • Financial management
  • Internal communication

Support role in Task 4.3: Transferability analysis & lessons learned

Support role in Task 5.2: Identify new social practices that require measures to support skills and employment in inland ports and support policy measures

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