Healthier Environment through Abatement of Vehicle Emission and Noise
Duration 01/2000 - 03/2003
Coordinator Società Trasporti Automobilistici S.p.A (STA), Rome
Air and noise pollution caused by traffic are a growing problem in large urban areas. A compromise is needed between environmental quality improvements and urban mobility demands. The overall goal of HEAVEN was to develop and demonstrate a decision support system (DSS). The DSS is now enabling decision makers to integrate real-time measurements of air pollution and noise caused by traffic in large urban areas into their practical transport decisions. Thus environmental effects of Transportation Demand Management Strategies (TDMS) can be evaluated.
HEAVEN combined efficient Transportation Demand Management Strategies and integrated environmental Information Society Technologies. Large European cities exchanged experiences of how to reduce air and noise pollution on a European level.
Concrete sustainable development perspectives were provided and environmentally effective policy strategies could be identified.
The concrete project objectives were:
Rupprecht Consult had a key role in the preparation of the project Evaluation Report. Derived from evaluation results, the document provides recommendations for:
HEAVEN and the system it developed has the potential to become a widely accepted and implemented tool to support key actors in their decision making with regard to traffic, air quality, noise, and beyond.
HEAVEN developed and demonstrated a DSS to evaluate environ-mental effects of Transport Demand Management Stragegies. The project objectives were to a large extent achieved:
HEAVEN successfully achieved, either aprtially or completely, the impacts identified by the Evaluation Team:
Documents produced for this project by Rupprecht Consult GmbH are available from info(at)
Rupprecht Consult supported the evaluation and dissemination tasks within HEAVEN, including the content preparation of the project's Final Conference "HEAVEN for Sustainable Mobility - Urban Transport, Air Quality & Noise, 5-6 Dec. 2002 in Prague.
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0
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