Project Details

Euregio SUMP

The project is working with the five cities in the Euregio (Almelo, Helgelo, and Enschede in the Netherlands and Osnabrück and Münster in Germany) to identify synergies among the SUMPs and other SUMP-related plans and activities.

Euregio SUMP

Project details

Duration 01/2025 - 06/2024

Coordinator Panteia

Project goal

The goal is to determine if or to what extent a cross-border regional SUMP could be established, allowing the five cities to collaborate and to learn from one another in their integrated planning.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult will collect and analyse the relevant SUMP-related documents for Münster and Osnabrück to allow for a cross-border comparison with Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede in the Netherlands. We will also consult with relevant actors in the two German cities to better understand the current SUMP status and challenges faced in each city. We will analyse existing documentation to determine to what extent they agree with the SUMP guidelines. Once information on all five cities has been collected and analysed, together with Panteia, we will further analyse the existing cross-border governance, co-operation and funding structures within the Euregio / MONT in order to determine how and where a cross-border SUMP and its implementation and monitoring can be set up.


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