Project Details

Establishing Training Courses for Bus Drivers in the framework of Mobility4Cities Support to Tbilisi and Batumi

BMZ-funded regional programme Mobility4Cities supports city administrations in the South Caucasus in the design and implementation of more sustainable urban mobility approaches. Mobility4Cities focuses on technical assistance for the two Georgian cities Tbilisi and Batumi aiming to support improvement of municipal transport systems in the frame of sustainable integrated urban development. To sustainably improve the quality and safety of public transport services, Mobility4Cities plans to support Tbilisi and Batumi Transport Companies in the introduction and functional set-up of bus drivers’ training centres. The centres should ensure high quality service performance in public transport of both cities, especially by guaranteeing safe and eco driving standards. The core tasks associated with the functional set-up of these centres are: development of tailor-made and high quality training courses (including recommendations on several courses, their duration, frequency, detailed syllabi and all relevant materials connected with conduction of trainings, certification and monitoring), training of trainers, comprehensive and in-depth consultations on infrastructural set-up and facilities for practical trainings.

Establishing Training Courses for Bus Drivers in the framework of Mobility4Cities Support to Tbilisi and Batumi

Project details

Duration 10/2021 - 11/2022

Coordinator Union Internationale des Transports Publics (UITP)

Project goal

Establishing Training Courses for Bus Drivers in the framework of Mobility4Cities Support to Tbilisi and Batumi.
First (WP 1), the project will review the status of bus driver training in Georgia by conducting a baseline study at local, national and international levels, including best case studies in similar regions. This research will help the identification of gaps and needs for the improvement of bus driver training in Georgia on all levels. Second (WP 2), bus driver training programs and capacity building activities will be carried out. For this a concept will be elaborated, the courses and trainings will be implemented, followed by activities to apply the knowledge. As a third component (WP 3), a strategy to continue and scale-up will be develop looking to a long-term engagement in bus driver training at a local and national level. The fourth component (WP 4) is the organisation of a technical trip to accompany an International Training of Trainers "ToT" session as a technical field trip for up to 30 Georgian trainers and relevant representatives of partner institutions. 


Inception Report, Interim Report on WP 1, Final Report on WP 1, Interim Report on WP 3, Field Trip (WP 4), Training Course Materials for ToT (WP 2), ToT*s (WP 2), Training Course Materials for Pilot Trainings (WP 2), Pilot Trainings (WP 2), Final Report for all WP’s.

Role of Rupprecht Consult


Rupprecht Consult is leading:
WP 3: Continuity and scaling-up strategy development
WP 4: Organisation of a technical trip


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