Project Details

eBRT 2030

Experiences in more than 180 cities worldwide have shown that Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems deliver high-performance, fast, comfortable, and cost-effective operations while drastically reducing CO2 emissions compared to normal bus operations. The eBRT2030 project will spearhead the next generation of eBRT systems by deploying full electric buses with automation and connectivity technologies in real-life demonstrations in six European cities and one international partner city to drive the future of zero-emission rapid transit.

eBRT 2030

Project details

Duration 01/2023 - 12/2026


Coordinator UITP

Project goal

The main objective of the eBRT2030 project is to support sustainable urban transport in seven demonstration cities by reducing cost/km/passenger by 10%, TCO by 10%, greenhouse gas, and pollutant emissions by 70%, and traffic congestion by 10% in seven demo cases:

BARCELONA: upgrading a heavy-demand bus route with connectivity and high-service capabilities

EINDHOVEN region: Advancing charging infrastructure and energy management

AMSTERDAM: Using innovative new hybrid smart charging systems and smart control units to meet challenges of network capacity limitations

ATHENS: Hybrid mode charging concept using trolleybuses’ catenary

PRAGUE: Robust In-Motion Charging Technology and eBRT concept

RIMINI: advancing emissions and costs reduction, customer experience and safety with in-motion charging eBRT system

BOGOTA: Basis demo for an international demonstration and validation cluster


This will be achieved by the completion of the following six specific objectives:

1. Flexible, economically viable, integrated, and synchronized eBRT solutions

2. Advanced and predictive vehicle operation systems for end-user comfort, safety, and security

3. Innovative, integrated, and reliable charging solutions combined with automation and connectivity enablers

4. Smart interoperable IoT monitoring platform for connectivity, fleet planning, and charging management

5. Validation and demonstration of innovative eBRT concepts in overall PT service offering through real-life different operative and urban scenarios to reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions as well as traffic congestion

6. Impact assessment of operational concepts for a city-wide eBRT, business model analysis for an international market for eBRT solutions, and pathways for future replication



Outcomes of the project will include, but are not limited to, the following:

-Development of eBRT standards and concepts for different cityscapes and socio-cultural aspects

- New software-based service validated in 7 demos and 3 replicator use cases in cities that are in the planning phase.

- Demonstration of innovative eBRTs in urban, inter-, and peri-urban operations in 6 European cities and 1 international cluster.

- Average reduction of cost/km/passenger by 10%; KPI 1.2: TCO reduction of up to 10%; Increase of commercial speed by 10%; Passenger capacity increase by 10-40% depending on level and type of service.

- Shift in the modal split from car to public transport by 5-10% and increase in multimodal journeys in eBRT corridors by 10-15; increased ridership by 10% compared to current BRTs, or the replaced bus systems.

- Overall energy savings of up to 20%; increased drivetrain components lifetime by at least 10%; and reduction of maintenance cost by up to 20%; peak load reduction of energy use by 20%

-Development of an eBRT training module and application to at least 20 cities, from which at least 10 are international

- Feasibility studies for up to 5 twinning cities (3 international) and 3 Technology-to-operation (T2O) studies; business models developed and validated in 6 European and 3 cities in Africa and LA.

- Reduce traffic congestion in the eBRT2030 demo areas by 5% in cities with existing BRT and by 10% in cities without existing BRTs; GHG (CO2-eq) emissions will be reduced by at least 70% during operation and 50-85% throughout the life cycle

- Reduction of NOx by 50% at bus stops and at least 90% throughout the lifecycle.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult mainly provides technical support on in-motion charging systems to develop the characterization of BRT systems in Europe and experienced cities in other regions and implement eBRT real-life demos. It also supports feasibility studies for the follower and twinning cities for future trolley/IMC eBRT systems and contributes to training content for trolley cities based on outcomes/lessons learned from the trolley cluster.

Contact details

Laura López
+49 221 6060 55 0

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