Project Details


APOLLO-EU was a service contract commissioned by the European Commission with the goal of promoting the adoption of the Clean Bus Deployment Initiative (CBDI) throughout the European Member States. The project established a platform for cities, public transport operators and authorities, infrastructure providers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), financing entities, as well as civil society representatives. This platform facilitated collaboration among European transport authorities and operators with varying levels of expertise in deploying clean buses to enhance the exchange of knowledge and skills. APOLLO-EU was comprehensive in that it encompassed all types of clean vehicles, including battery-electric, fuel cell, CNG, battery-trolleys, and plug-in hybrids.


Project details

Duration 07/2019 -06/2023


Coordinator UITP - International Association of Public Transport

Project goal

APOLLO-EU's goal was to promote the use of clean buses as an alternative to cars across Europe. It developed a network of city stakeholders for Clean Bus Deployment and aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise among cities at different stages of advancement. APOLLO-EU provided support for capacity building and ensured that the technical, procedural, and operational knowledge regarding clean bus deployment was effectively and widely shared beyond the cities considered as leaders in Europe. The project systematically assessed and shared lessons learned from previous and current European key research projects like ZeEUS, ASSURED, JIVE, EBSF_2, and ELIPTIC to showcase the wide variety of existing solutions related to clean bus technologies.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We have helped create a Clean Bus Deployment platform and toolbox for the project. This included e-bus planning and simulation tools, lessons learned from previous e-bus projects, and guidance materials for city and public transport practitioners. Our goal is to ensure that clean bus deployment is widely adopted in Europe by enabling capacity sharing and providing support. As part of this effort, we have enhanced the E-Bus Support Tool from the ELIPTIC project and expanded its database to serve as a central repository of clean bus information.

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