TROLLEY: New e-learning courses available
TROLLEY is about knowledge exchange, competence building and competence sharing. In order to benefit from the great potential of online education, two new e-learning courses have been developed.
The first course is an extension of the e-learning course covering energy optimisation of trolleybus systems. Within the course framework questions can be asked to experts (experts for different languages are listed) and a knowledge exchange could be started. The course includes basic information on energy storage systems and several presentations given at TROLLEY’s Summer University held in Leipzig. Also a live recording of these lectures is offered.
The second course aims at those who would like to understand how regular diesel buses can be converted into trolleybuses, which is another path to fleet modernisation for many operators in Central Europe. The course provides technical, economic and marketing related background information as well as a live recording of presentations given at TROLLEY’S Summer University.
Also, a technical handbook provides detailed information on each step of the conversion process. As for the other course, an expert is available for answering questions and for knowledge exchange.
In order to participate in the e-learning courses please visit <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem> and register for free. After <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>registration please use the e-learning login in the top right corner of the homepage. A complete overview about TROLLEY’s e-learning courses can be found <link http: external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>here.
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Further Information
Wolfgang Backhaus
+49 221 6060 55 0