TROLLEY held a series of events during the week from 22 to 26 October 2012 in Leipzig in the framework of the new mobility/ Euregia fair 2012.
It started with the 2nd TROLLEY City-Industry-Summit on “new trolleybus designs & innovative trolleybus marketing”. The event series continued with the 3rd International Trolleybus Conference “New horizons for urban traffic”, organised by the TROLLEY partner trolley:motion, and the TROLLEY Transferability Conference on 23 and 24 October 2012. The conference highlighted existing systems worldwide and in Germany as well as introduction plans for the cities of Montreal, Canada, and Leeds, UK, and newest developments from the ebus industry. The TROLLEY project presented its results from local pilot studies and investments in the TROLLEY partner cities. About 150 people listened to the presentations about future innovative electric bus transportation solutions and the development of interconnected infrastructure for cities and entire regions. Last but not least, the TROLLEY Summer University “ebus - the smart way!” took place in Leipzig from 23 to 26 October. During the Summer University, young researchers and professionals presented their research results and TROLLEY partners showed their project results. For more information and to download the presentations, please click <link http: _blank>here.+49 221 6060 55 0