Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe
First TIDE newsletter online!
We are happy to introduce you to the first issue of the TIDE newsletter. TIDE is a European project that kicked off in October 2012 and brings together cities in the field of urban transport innovation. The mission of TIDE is to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of fifteen innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establishing them as mainstream measures.
The TIDE newsletter aims to keep you informed about the project's progress and intermediate results. In this first issue, you will learn about the TIDE objectives and expected outputs and the work done so far. Each issue will also put one of the TIDE cities in the spotlight. We are starting with the city of Rotterdam, a true innovation leader in Europe! Click <link fileadmin user_upload what_s_new tide-newsletter-1-final_lite>here to read the first TIDE newsletter! Related Projects
[1] TIDE First Newsletter