News Item

TIDE project: you decide which innovative urban transport measures are worth exploring!


The TIDE projects invites to suggest and prioritise innovative measures in the field of pricing, non-motorised modes, advanced traffic management for traveller information systems, electric mobility and public transport organisation.

This survey will help the TIDE project to decide which innovative urban transport measures should be explored in the course of the three years of project activity. TIDE will support 15 cities in planning the implementation of the selected measures. The mission of TIDE is to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of several innovative urban transport and mobility measures throughout Europe and to establish them as mainstream measures. TIDE will focus on five thematic clusters, as mentioned above.TIDE will actively support 15 committed cities in developing implementation scenarios for the selected measures. They will demonstrate how to successfully prepare implementation of innovative solutions and provide examples to a wider group of cities.The questionnaire is available here. The open questions in the questionnaire can be filled in in Dutch, French, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Hungarian, German or Italian. The Questionnaire is available until 7 December.For more information, contact <link> or <link> Polis is coordinator of the project, supported by Rupprecht Consult as technical coordinator. TIDE – Transport Innovation Deployment for Europe is funded by the European Union.

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681