The new TIDE project (FP7) on the take-up of urban transport innovation started on 1st October 2012. The project is coordinated by the city network Polis. Rupprecht Consult is in charge of the technical coordination and will support the thematic area of non-motorised transport.
The mission of TIDE will be to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of selected innovative urban transport and mobility concepts throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establish them as mainstream measures.TIDE will focus on 15 innovative concepts in five thematic clusters:1. financing models and pricing measures2. non-motorised transport3. network and traffic management to support traveller information4. electric vehicles5. public transport organisationTIDE will actively support cities in developing implementation scenarios. Lead cities will be: Milan, Donostia San-Sebastián, Reading, Rotterdam and Budapest. They will demonstrate how to successfully prepare implementation of innovative solutions and provide examples to a wider group of cities.The project will launch its activities on involving further cities in Perugia on 28 November. Are you interested in being involved in the selection of the innovative concepts for urban transport that will be developed within the project? Are you interested in receiving information about the €200.000 call for Champion Cities? A workshop prior to the Polis conference (29 November 2012 - 30 November 2012 in Perugia) offers the opportunity for cities to learn more about the possibilities to participate in the project.Attend the workshop on 28 November 9:30-15:30h, Perugia, in the same conference venue as the Polis conference. Registration is free of charge and can be made jointly with the Polis conference registration. Find <link http: uploads modulextender publicevents tide_draftprogramme1stworkshop28november2012perugia.pdf _blank>here the draft agenda of the workshop. Contact: <link _blank>Ivo Cré at Polis.+49 173 726 3681