A new FP7 project that will foster the take-up of 15 innovative concepts for urban mobility is currently under negotiation with the European Commission. The tentative starting date is October 2012. The project will be coordinated by Polis. Rupprecht Consult will be in charge of the technical coordination and supports the topic of non-motorised transport.
TIDE will focus on 15 innovative concepts in five thematic clusters:1. financing models and pricing measures2. non-motorised transport3. network and traffic management to support traveller information4. electric vehicles5. public transport organisationThe mission of TIDE will be to enhance the broad transfer and take-up of selected innovative urban transport and mobility concepts throughout Europe and to make a visible contribution to establish them as mainstream measures. TIDE will actively support cities in developing implementation scenarios. Lead cities will be: Milan, Donostia San-Sebastián, Reading, Rotterdam and Budapest. They will demonstrate how to successfully prepare the implementation of innovative solutions and provide examples to a wider group of cities.+49 173 726 3681