News Item

TIDE Circle of Innovative Cities have been selected


The TIDE project has selected 53 cities from 23 countries to participate in the learning and exchange opportunities through its Circle of Innovative Cities

The EU TIDE project has accepted applications from 53 cities to join its Circle of Innovative Cities for learning and exchange in the following thematic areas:1. Road and parking pricing as demand management measures2. Non-motorised transport3. Advanced traffic management for traveller information systems4. Electric mobility5. Public transport organisationParticipating cities will learn about the latest innovations in sustainable transport in Europe and about how to successfully transfer good ideas from one city to another. They will benefit from the knowledge and experience of other cities and share their own expertise.The first event for the Circle of Innovative Cities, Innovative ideas and how to take advantage of them, will take place on 12-13 November 2013 in Stuttgart, Germany. The Circle of Innovative Cities will have the opportunity to participate in an interactive workshop on innovative transport measures and learn how to transfer them.

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Further Information

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681