News Item

SYNAPTIC Transnational Scenario Development

22.12.2011 Bonnie Fenton

International student teams take on journey audits across northwest Europe

Starting in January 2012, four interdisciplinary teams, consisting of 12 selected students from four northwest European universities will work on developing a synthesis of NWE mobility project results in the form of scenarios for future seamless travel. With the help and guidance of experts from the four NWE mobility projects, RoCK, BAPTS, ICMA and SINTROPHER and experts from the related universities, postgraduate students from University College London, the University of Aberdeen, the Bergische Universität Wuppertal and the University of Applied Sciences in Breda will analyse typical regional and international northwest European journies from different target group perspectives. Click <link http: blogs transnational-scenario-development-team student journey>here for more details.
<link http: blogs transnational-scenario-development-team><link http: blogs transnational-scenario-development-team>

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