News Item

SYNAPTIC Round Table on Demographic Change, 13 March 2012

01.03.2012 Bonnie Fenton

SYNAPTIC invites experts on ageing and mobility to discuss future policy needs

The SYNAPTIC partner ICMA Amobilife will host the 2nd Northwest Europe Round Table of the SYNAPTIC Cluster in Genk, Belgium. This event will be dedicated to "Seamless Door-to-Door Journeys for an Ageing Population: the importance of mobility and managing demographic change".
The Round Table aims to raise and review European policy challenges which are built on existing transnational mobility projects and which will inform the new INTERREG programming priorities for 2014 and beyond.

All participants and contributors are invited to attend the Final Event of the ICMA Project "Pursuing Perfect Journeys!" on Wednesday 14th March at the ‘C Mine’ Conference Centre in the city.

Find out more at:
<link http: blogs synaptic-round-table-event-dedicated-to-seamless-door-to-door-journeys-for-an-ageing-population-the-importance-of-mobility-managing-demographic-change>

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