News Item

SUMPs-Up kicks off in Freiburg


On 11-13 October, 14 project partners got together in the idyllic Waldhaus at the edge of Freiburg. With a lot of positive energy they launched a new research project that will accelerate the take-up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in the next three-and-a-half years.

Rupprecht Consult is a core partner in the SUMPs-Up consortium, which combines research, capacity-building, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to promote SUMPs in Europe – with a particular focus on countries with few of them. More specifically, it is leading Work Package 2 within this project, which revolves around providing support tools to cities in the planning process; it is the main supporter in other work packages on user needs assessment, measure support, learning, trainings. In addition, the Rupprecht team will manage the SUMPs-Up Innovation Pilot Pool together with Polis, which involves at least 100 cities in a learning and implementation exercise throughout the project life course. The Innovation Pilot Pool will enable SUMPS-Up to identify and validate the most effective concepts, approaches and methodologies in SUMP practice.In the next three-and-a-half years, SUMPs-Up will review, strengthen and integrate existing SUMP resources, designing a support system to assist cities to develop high quality SUMPs. A SUMP Tool Inventory will help mobility planners make better informed decisions about which planning tools to apply in their local context. This will be enriched with experiences from the city partners who will be testing innovative solutions in SUMP preparation and implementation.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14

Ana-Maria Baston

+49 221 6060 55 0