The first workshop of SUMPs-Up's 3-year long SUMP Learning Programme was held in Thessaloniki on October 19, followed by a workshop for Greek practitioners the next day.
After participating in a kick-off webinar and completing the first e-course, the workshop in Thessaloniki was the first chance for the members of SUMP Learning Programme 1 to meet in person. 16 participants representing cities all over Europe came together to learn how to analyse the local mobility situation and planning practices in the start of the SUMP process.The programme included presentations by the cities of Bielefeld and Padua, who showed practical examples how collect and analyse data and involve stakeholders in it, as well as several interactive exercises. Cities presented their own successes and challenges in a spider web and discussed how to cooperate more efficiently with stakeholders in a group work.The second day saw a big group of Greek cities gathering to learn about sustainable urban mobility planning. After an introduction to the SUMP concept by Lasse Brand of Rupprecht Consult, Thessaloniki presented the development of its own SUMP, followed by a variety of presentations and discussions on the Greek national SUMP guidelines and other important aspects of the SUMP process.More information on the SUMP Learning Programme and funding opportunities for cities in 2018 can be found on the SUMPs-Up website: 221 6060 55 14