News Item

SUMP-SEAP International Experience Exchange Workshop on June 18 in Brussels


The Workshop will bring experts in the field of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) together. Transport and energy practitioners from local authorities are invited.

The workshop is organised by the consortium of Eltisplus (including Polis) in cooperation with ManagEnergy and the Covenant of Mayors. In the framework of high energy demand in transport, there is a growing need to integrate transport planning into other aspects of urban planning. Although there have been considerable efforts across Europe to promote Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP), there are still a number of challenges facing cities and urban areas. In order to truly embrace SUMPs and SEAPs, cities must jointly tackle transport and energy-related issues more efficiently. The International Experience Exchange Workshop seeks to bring together decision makers, practitioners, mobility and energy experts and multipliers with the hope of outlining how SEAP and SUMP can be better integrated for the benefit of cities – citizens and businesses – and the climate. There will be representatives from different cities which are engaged to review their energy and mobility behaviours. The workshop will contribute to: • a better understanding of the common characteristics of SEAP and SUMP• insight into some of the barriers toward a closer cooperation;• awareness of city and regional administration of the interdependence between energy and mobility;• regular exchange and collaboration process between SEAM & SUMP responsible. Registration is possible online until 13 June. The event is free of charge but places are limited. • More information on the event: <link http: minisites _blank>visit the event page and download the <link http: uploads modules publicdocuments sump-seap_workshop_leaflet_final.pdf _blank>invitation.• Registration: <link http: minisites registrations new _blank>click here.• More information on SUMPs: <link http: _blank>

Related Projects

SUMP (part of Eltisplus)

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