Rupprecht Consult has been invited to participate in urban mobility planning seminars in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul.
On November 25, the special Commission on Urban Mobility of the Rio Grande do Sul government will hold a public meeting in Porto Alegre on “How to set up a mobility plan – the European experience”. Member of Parliament Vinícius Ribeiro will preside at the meeting to which Frank Wefering of Rupprecht Consult has been invited as one of two European experts on urban mobility planning, the other being architect Emilio Merino from the Polytechnic University of Catalunha. One day later, on 26 November, Frank Wefering will present the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) at a technical seminar to urban mobility planners in the City of Caxias do Sul. The two seminars in the State of Rio Grande do Sul are a follow-up to Rupprecht Consult’s work with Brazil’s national government in the context of the EU-Brazilian Dialogue on Urban Mobility.