News Item

Our podcast Mobility Planet just launched!


We have just started our very own podcast Mobility Planet and are excited to publish the first episode today. Find us now on all common platforms to listen in and join our discussion.

Mobility Planet is all about innovative and sustainable mobility. We will talk among ourselves but also invite experts from other fields and all around the world to join us, sharing our ideas and knowledge with everybody. Aiming to spread our fascinating topics even outside of our discipline, we will create a platform for our projects and partners to speak up and keep talking.Our first episode has a deliberately satirical flavour - but it deals with a rather serious topic: The incredibly illogical allocation of free (or almost free) public space to cars. Public space, as the name suggests, should be usable by the public and not just by a few. In practice, however, society gives away around 12 square metres of public space for owners of cars in most residential areas - owning a car gets rewarded with free space on top. Our colleagues Ralf and Bonnie interview three imaginary people who extrapolate this just an inch to the next logical, and creative conclusion. All jokes aside: In Germany, the cost for a residents-only parking permit in residential areas is € 30.70 - maximum - per year! Discussions are underway to increase this fee up to € 240. This would amount to € 20 per month or € 1.67 per square metre and month. According to the German minister for transport, Andreas Scheuer, this would be "<link https: gesellschaft panorama bundesrat-stimmt-ueber-reform-ab-scheuer-warnt-vor-ueberzogenen-parkgebuehren-fuer-anwohner external-link-new-window external link in new>excessive". Various studies have demonstrated the enormous unfairness of this subsidisation of the motorised transport system, maybe most prominently, <link https: wiki the_high_cost_of_free_parking external-link-new-window external link in new>Donald Shoup's seminal book "The High Cost of Free Parking". And others, including the EU funded project <link https: external-link-new-window external link in new>Park4Sump, are beginning to show and try out alternatives. So there's hope.We thank our colleagues Ralf Brand and Bonnie Fenton as well as Wolfram Buchta, Lisa Marie Brunner, Marie Luisa Rupprecht and our former colleague Lasse Brand for being a part of this April 1st episode. We're looking forward to getting a bit more serious in the upcoming episodes and are excited to learn what you think about it via our <link https: feed update urn:li:activity:6783321151750901760 external-link-new-window external link in new>LinkedIn or <link https: rupprecht_tweet status external-link-new-window external link in new>Twitter!Your can find our podcast in the <link https: sites mobility-planet-5ed8d047 external-link-new-window external link in new>web player here and it will be available on the common podcasting platforms very soon!

Further Information

Ralf Brand

+49 221 6060 55 18

Bonnie Fenton

+49 173 726 3681

Hana Peters

+49 221 6060 55 0

Podcast cover
Podcast cover