News Item

New SUMP poster: Planning the sustainable city


Inspired by success stories of European SUMP cities, our new SUMP poster illustrates the sustainable planning process of an urban area

While the SUMPGuidelines give step-by-step guidance on how to develop and implement a SUMP, we wanted to learn from our many European SUMP cities and show how the outcome for an urban area could look like. Even when there is not the ideal sustainable city, our new SUMP poster includes many crucial aspects of a sustainable mobility system. As the centrepiece, all eight fundamental SUMP principles demonstrate the way forward towards a sustainable planning process. 
The poster was developed in collaboration with illustrator Petra Holländer. Visit her website: https://<link http: external-link-new-window external link in new>www.farbenkind.atYou can download the poster below.

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[1] SUMP Poster: Planning for the sustainable city ENGLISH

Planning for the sustainable city