The INCLUSION project has just released a new publication on results and lessons learnt of the past years. This report is mainly designed to inspire, motivate and instruct cities or functional urban areas in developing a more inclusive public transport system.
Over the last three years, a number of innovative solutions have been developed and implemented through real-life experiments in the INCLUSION project's Pilot Labs in Budapest (HU), Barcelona (ES), Cairngorms National Park (UK), Florence (IT), Flanders (BE) and Rhein Sieg (GER). This freshly released report provides a synthesis of the impact and process evaluation of all the inclusive mobility measures implemented in these Pilot Labs.A summary of the findings for each individual measure is presented, including transferability considerations and lessons learned. This is followed by a wider cross-site assessment of drivers, barriers and risks to identify common factors which contribute to successful outcomes as well as those which present barriers and challenges to be aware of. This report also provides guidance for the most suitable ways to engage with different types of users at both the inception/design and trial/delivery stage. Finally, the main conclusions for transferability are presented for the benefit of other cities and regions across Europe that are interested in implementing similar measures.Read more <link http: fileadmin user_upload documents deliverables inclusion_project_d5.6_final_web.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>here.