News Item

NAPCORE: advancing mobility objectived through data harmonisation


Join us on February 18th at 9:00-10:00 CET for a virtual public event to present how the NAPCORE project is improving the interoperability of mobility-related data in Europe.

EU requirements oblige each Member State to establish a National Access Point (NAP) where mobility related data is published. There are over 30 operational NAPs in EU Member States (and beyond). However, each NAP has its own specific system and format for making data available. NAPCORE is a project to coordinate and harmonise the mobility data of all European NAPs. NAPCORE aims to optimise interoperability of NAPs as mobility data platforms through common data standards, improve access and availability of mobility data throughout Europe, and strengthen NAPs and National Bodies through common processes and strategies. This virtual public event introduces the project and outlines how NAPCORE will support steps towards the creation of European-wide solutions to better facilitate the use of EU-wide data. Register now to learn more at the event and join the conversation on establishing a long-lasting and future-oriented data platform.<link https: register external-link-new-window external link in new>Webinar registration

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Further Information

Marcel Braun

+49 221 6060 55 20

Hana Peters

+49 221 6060 55 0