News Item

First meeting of the Working Group: strategic mobility concept for Bielefeld


On May 3, the Working Group consisting of 24 representatives of groups and associations relevant to transport policy, including council members, met for the first time. Facilitated by Rupprecht Consult, they identified the most important mobility problems in Bielefeld.

The meeting of the Working Group for Mobility in Bielefeld was the start of a stakeholder process aimed at developing a vision for the city that is both ambitious enough to solve its challenges and gets supported by a broad coalition of relevant stakeholders and experts.In cooperation with the Project Management Team consisting of six members of city administration and public transport provider, Rupprecht Consult has conducted an anlysis of the mobility situation and planning practices in Bielefeld during spring. The results were presented on May 3, followed by group work in small groups, were stakeholders discussed and identified the most crucial problems from their perspective. In order to ensure that everyone's voice gets heard, the group work was complemented by an online survey, where stakeholders could conribute their views anonymously.Based on the identified mobility challenges, solutions and a common vision will be developed throughout summer and autumn 2017.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14