Euskirchen adopts SUMP targets
Last week, the city of Euskirchen's council committee for civil engineering and transport unanimously adopted a set of new mobility targets. Five action areas, each with 4 - 5 sub-areas, define how the city wants to shape its mobility in the next 20 years.
Besides aiming for strong public transport, walking and cycling, a regional multimodal system, sustainable motorised and freight traffic, and improving the administration's processes - a specific focus is on public spaces, particularly targeting increased safety and higher quality of life. The five action areas are: - Safe street spaces for a city worth living in
- Strong environmental alliance in a city of short distances
- Euskirchen - multimodally linked to the region
- Urban and low-emission motorised private and commercial transport
- The administration as a pioneer for sustainable mobilityThe targets were developed by Rupprecht Consult together with VIA and TippingPoints as part of the process to develop a mobility concept (SUMP) for Euskirchen. The adoption means that, roughly halfway into the project, the next milestone has been reached. During spring and summer, the aims will now be operationalised as concrete measures.Click on the links to read more about <link https: vorgang external-link-new-window external link in new>the concept and the <link https: sdnetrim ughvm0hpd2nxnfdfcexjzxxpp1sqyfqh7jumsepsshclrdfd4s8mt6ylsmvceq7r anhang_mobilitaetskonzept_ziele-handlungsstrategien.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>five action areas.
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SUMP Euskirchen
Further Information
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
[1] SUMP Euskirchen Beschlussvorlage 291/2020