News Item

Europe's SUMP community gathers to continue reshaping EU SUMP Guidelines


Since their launch in 2013, the EU's SUMP Guidelines have been the main reference document for developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Yet the last five years have seen societal and technological developments and valuable insight gained from implementing SUMPs: it is time to update the Guidelines to reflect these.

The SUMP 2.0 process to revise the Guidelines, which is coordinated by Rupprecht Consult, continued at an event organised by CIVITAS SUMPs-Up on Wednesday 12 December in Brussels. Over 50 participants from Europe's SUMP community were present.
Drawing on their extensive SUMP experience, cities, industry, academia, civil society, and EU and international institutions gave their input on what they would like to see in the updated SUMP Guidelines.
The event, which our director Siegfried Rupprecht moderated, was opened by Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director-General at the European Commission's Directorate General for Transport and Mobility. He made clear that much of the technology and solutions required already exist in cities, and that their entrepreneurial and innovative spirit means there is a bright future for SUMPs.
Following this, three cities with experience of using the Guidelines, Maia (Portugal), Tampere (Finland), and Oradea (Romania) presented their SUMP stories and provided recommendations on what the future document should include.
The second half of the event was an interactive workshop that saw groups split off into  four different groups focusing on a different SUMP topic.
Download the presentations from the cities who presented here: Maia; Oradea; and Tampere.
A version of the updated EU SUMP Guidelines are set to be presented at the next EU SUMP Conference in Groningen (the Netherlands) in June next year.

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Further Information

Susanne Böhler-Baedeker

+49 221 6060 55 14


[1] SUMPs-Up B@S Maia

[1] SUMPs-Up B@S Oradea

[1] SUMPs-Up B@S Tampere