Rupprecht Consult collaborated with the German-speaking CIVINET to organise a webinar on sustainable urban mobility planning in the neighborhood context, with a co-creative approach.
There are specific advantages of planning for sustainable mobility at the neighbourhood level. The spatial advantages of short distances and the significance of the neighbourhood as an anchor for determining everyday mobility-related choices make it a fertile ground for involving residents and local stakeholders in the co-creation of sustainable urban mobility planning processes.
On 27 April 2022, the German-speaking CIVINET (CIVINET Deutsche Sprachraum) held a webinar in German on the topic of neighbourhood-based planning und co-creation. The one-hour webinar featured presentations from two recent CIVITAS projects, SUNRISE and Metamorphosis, and introduced the SUMP Topic Guide to Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning, focussing in particular on the contextual relevancies for German-speaking cities.
Susanne Findeisen, City of Bremen, presented Bremen’s experience with co-creation in CIVITAS SUNRISE, particularly in addressing the challenge of street space management and developing a concept to reduce the amount of space taken up by parked cars. Karl Reiter, Institute for Traffic Pedagogy IVP, presented how the Metamorphosis project has helped transform car-friendly neighbourhoods into child-friendly places with improved quality of life, with direct involvement of children as key stakeholders at every stage. Ralf Brand, Rupprecht Consult, presented the SUMP Topic Guide to Sustainable Neighbourhood Mobility Planning mentioned above, which highlights ways in which planning efforts at the neighbourhood level and at the city-wide level can complement one another.
Those who were unable to join the webinar live can now view the recording here. Please note that the webinar is entirely in German.
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