News Item

AC-DatEP - Workshops in May!


In the course of the AC-DatEP project in Aachen, two further workshops were set up. The first workshop is dedicated to the use of cyclist traffic data, while the second one deals with the use of pedestrian traffic data in city centers (urban planning & tradesmen).

The AC-DATEP project deals with the development of innovative solutions for sustainable urban mobility. The project aims to reduce CO2 emissions from transport and improve the quality of life in urban areas. Different technologies and approaches are investigated and tested to enable climate-friendly and efficient mobility in urban regions.

The first innovation workshop will take place on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 from 09:00 to 12:00 in Aachen to discuss the use of bicyclist traffic data to improve bicycling in the city. The aim is to identify parameters that are important for cyclists when choosing their route in order to create a bikeability index and promote the use of cycling. 

If you are interested please click here to apply for the workshop.

In the given time period, a large-scale installation of real-time traffic flow and environmental parameter monitoring technology is planned for the Aachen area. This will involve equipping selected street lights with sensor boxes to record temperature, noise level, humidity and pressure, as well as the number, classification and speed of passing vehicles. The data collected will be integrated into an open-data platform, which will be made available to third parties and may be used to develop new business models and mobility concepts. Innovation workshops will be offered to help identify potential use cases for the data. This workshop will explore the use of pedestrian traffic data to improve city planning and benefit businesses such as retail, hospitality and tourism. The workshop will take place on May 31, 2023, from 18:00 to 20:30 in Aachen.

If you are interested please click here to apply for the workshop.

Both workshops are free and we are looking forward to seeing you there.


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