News Item

A new Interreg Central Europe project kicks-off in Leipzig


On 21-22 June 2017, project partners got together on the premises of lead partner Leipzig Transport Company (LVB) to kick-off the LOW-CARB project.

LOW-CARB – Capacity building for integrated low-carbon mobility planning in functional urban areas - is one of the nine cooperation projects funded by the programme in the two calls launched in 2016 under priority 2 “Low-carbon cities and regions”. The project started on 1 June 2017 and has duration of 3 years. The consortium is formed of 11 partners and 6 associated partners covering 7 CE countries and another 2 countries from outside the programme area. The core goal of the project is to enhance capacities for integrated low-carbon mobility planning for functional urban areas in Central Europe through strategies, action plans, tools and pilot actions. In Leipzig partners got to know each other, presented their plans and expectations from the cooperation while highlighting the general mobility context that embraces the practical actions at local level. The project, financial and communication management teams of LVB and REC, with the support of Rupprecht Consult,brought fresh information from the Implementation Training held in Vienna right before the kick-off meeting, with detailed guidance and advise on smooth implementation of different activities. LOW-CARB will provide best practice examples for good cooperation at local and regional level between public administration and transport companies in order to increase the modal share of public transport not only at the urban level but also in the emerging development areas located in hinterlands. Stay tuned to the project website for news and take-up opportunities!

Further Information

Wolfgang Backhaus

+49 221 6060 55 0

Ana-Maria Baston

+49 221 6060 55 0

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