The forum gathered about forty local actors and turned out to be a major success.
Based on a 2011 resolution of Rostock's city parliament to establish an action plan for e-mobility as well as the necessity to work out an integrated intermodal e-mobility concept for the EU project ELMOS, the Hanseatic City of Rostock has decided to develop a municipal e-mobility strategy with the support of Rupprecht Consult as an external consultant until December 2014. For this, an e-mobility steering group was established consisting of several department representatives from Rostock’s city administration, the city’s mobility coordinator, its public utility company “Stadtwerke Rostock AG”, the public transport provider “Rostocker Straßenbahn AG” and Rupprecht Consult. After the first meetings of the e-mobility steering group and an online consultation of local stakeholders about the status quo of e-mobility in Rostock, perspectives, opinions and the local need for action, the so-called stakeholder forum was the next important step in strategy development. Its interactive concept was developed by RC; the forum was moderated by Siegfried Rupprecht. A wide range and good mix of public, private and academic stakeholders showed up and jointly developed a SWOT profile of the city and region. Participants came from various branches and fields such as tourism, service sector, industry, sustainable mobility organisations and associations, universities, and the local council. As part of a World Café session, they developed project ideas in five fields of actions based on the results of the online consultation: intermodality and e-mobility, e-mobility in companies and the service sector, e-sharing offers in Rostock and its region, e-mobility within the local authority and e-mobility in tourism. Media interesit in the forum was high and several local newspapers and the local television broadcaster reported on the event. For example: <link http: artikel><link http: lokales rostock rostock-setzt-auf-e-autos-id7054391.html><link http: index.php channel fr> (see 06:45 min)<link http: region-rostock rostock wirtschaft image-schub-fuer-elektroautos><link http:> The forum will now be documented and results processed over summer for strategy and action plan development until the steering group meets again in September to discuss the first drafts.+49 221 6060 55 0