Project Details

SUMP Toolkit

The TRANSfer project aimed at supporting the efforts of developing countries and emerging economies to implement climate-friendly transport. Implemented by the GIZ and funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI), this project was a “mitigation action preparation facility” dedicated to advise countries in the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions. The SUMP Toolkit was one of several knowledge product packages in the project.

SUMP Toolkit

Project details

Duration 09/2018 - 12/2019


Coordinator MobiliseYourCity/GIZ

Project goal

The policy and planning support of TRANSfer happened on three levels; the international partnership of MobiliseYourCity (comprising 100 cities and 20 national governments); development of concrete greenhouse gas mitigation measures in five specific countries and lastly a set of knowledge products, trainings, and the facilitation of international dialogue on the matter.

As one of these knowledge products, the toolkit on SUMPs, a set of consultancy products that offer practical advice and complement the mitigation measures, weere cooperatively designed, and intended to help and guide policy makers and planners in the process of developing the SUMPs.


Results included the selection of good practice in SUMPs, a quick-assessment tool, an expert database and an annotated SUMP table of content that were designed to provide key elements for the transformation and decarbonisation of transport on the national and local level.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We supported GIZ in the elaboration of specific “tools” for the toolkit. The SUMP Toolkit is a package of knowledge products such as factsheets, database on SUMP experts, guiding documents and best practice examples (based on content from EU-projects such as SUMPs-UP and SOLUTIONS, among others).

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