Project Details

SUMP Chisinau

The project is aiming at developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Chisinau, the capital city of Moldova. During the project lifetime, a team of international and local experts will assist the Municipality of Chisinau in their endeavours to create a strategy for greener, safer, sustainable, affordable, and efficient transport system in the functional urban area of the city. The project is part of the “Move it like Lublin” Sustainable Development Initiative, an EU funded programme aiming at developing a more sustainable and modern transport system in the city in close collabo-ration with the Polish city of Lublin.

SUMP Chisinau

Project details

Duration 07/2022 - 06/2024


Coordinator Civitta Romania

Project goal

The project is aiming at developing a high-quality mobility strategy at the functional urban area level that includes creating a mobility vision, choosing the best scenario, setting strategic objectives and targets, proposing a set of policies and effective measures ready for implementation. The SUMP will be developed in close collaboration with the Municipality and strategic stakeholders at the local and central levels. It will follow the European SUMP process as defined in the SUMP Guidelines, shall be in line with the expectations of the city, and will ensure compliance with the European principles of sustainable urban mobility planning.


The main result will be the SUMP strategy, including an Action Plan that will assess the feasibility of a set of measures in terms of feasibility, strategic importance, and implementation readiness level. The project is also aiming at creating a behavioural change in the current planning practices and set the basis for a long-term cross-sector cooperation culture involving practitioners, experts and citizens of Chisinau.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult is project partner leading project activities related to strategic policy development, to creating a mobility vision and to choosing the strategic mobility scenario that will lay the basis for the measure selection process. Moreover, we are responsible for stakeholder cooperation and communication activities, for the international cooperation and exchange. In addition, we provide planning expertise in the fields of non-motorized transport and vulnerable groups.

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