Support study for an Impact Assessment on measures for the streamlining of TEN-T projects
Duration 09/2017 - 01/2018
Coordinator Panteia B.V.
The general objective of this initiative “Streamlining TEN-T” was to reduce costs and delays by simplifying the administrative and regulatory framework in the field of permitting, procurement and other relevant procedures necessary for the implementation of TEN-T projects, with a view to deliver in a most efficient way the TEN-T projects.
The specific objectives included to:
Accelerate the delivery of the TEN-T projects of highest EU added value (mostly cross-border in sustainable modes);
Provide more legal certainty for the project promoters;
Minimise the administrative burden for the project promoters leading to attracting private investors to the more sustainable modes of transport.
The objective of this study was to take stock from the exploratory study finished early 2017 and to quantify the economic impacts of the options as well as to estimate the lost opportunities if projects were to materialise later.
At first, the project validated the identification and definition of problems and drivers related to permitting procedures of TEN-T projects. The analysis of an online public consultation provided insight to the views of various types of stakeholders and the situation in several Member States. A set of interviews, to relevant stakeholders, presented further conclusions related to specific measures, and offered valuable lessons from good practices in a similar framework development, namely the permitting of TEN-E projects.
Then, the project performed an assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts of different policy options, previously agreed upon with the EC. With this evaluation, it presented a comparison of the proposed solutions, and the identification of a policy option that is likely to maximise the net social benefits.
We were responsible for the analysis of the online public consultation, assisted in the stakeholder consultation process and validation of the problem definition.
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
Daniel Franco
+49 176 47367054
Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0
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