The City of Raunheim, a small-sized German city, applied for the German funding program "Model projects Smart City: Urban development and digitalisation" by the KFW and the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community.
Through a new open Smart City platform, the city aims at becoming a smart and sustainable city and a forerunner for the development of an open digital platform.
With the potential funding, the City of Raunheim aims to develop an open urban platform for Raunheim and other municipalities. This platform integrates different smart city applications and technologies and will act as an example for other cities in Germany.
With the development of a strategic and integrated smart city approach, Raunheim will develop functional and operational future-oriented information and communication technologies, generate data-based value-added services and new digital offerings for the urban society.
The result of the project is the final application for the German funding program.
We supported and consulted the City of Raunheim with the funding application. This included project development and proposal development, administrative and coordinative tasks and content development.
Susanne Böhler-Baedeker
+49 221 6060 55 14
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