Project Details


Mid-term evaluation of INTERREG IIIB North-West Europe (NWE) Programme


Project details

Duration 05/2003 - 11/2003

Coordinator Rupprecht Consult worked on behalf of the INTERREG IIIB NWE Programme.

Project goal

The key objectives of the mid-term evaluation of the INTERREG IIIB NWE Programme was:

  • To review whether the strategic axes, priorities and objectives are coherent and still relevant, how far progress has been made towards the achievement of these objectives and the extent to which they can actually be achieved.
  • To assess the quantification of objectives, specifically the extent to which they have facilitated monitoring and evaluation.
  • To analyse the adequacy of the implementation and monitoring arrangements.
  • To assess the Community added value yielded by the NWE Programme.

The mid-term evaluation was a means to improve the quality and relevance of programming in the Structural Funds. It provided key contributions to the examination of the INTERREG III Programme by the European Commission and the Member States. Mid-term evaluation workplan The following individual activities, further detailed into specific tasks, were conducted by our team members:

  • Activity 1: Inception
  • Activity 2: Review of Programme achievements
  • Activity 3: Assessment of evaluation framework
  • Activity 4: Review of implementation and monitoring arrangements
  • Activity 5: Assessment of Community added value
  • Activity 6: Consolidation of results and recommendations

Background on INTERREG IIIB

INTERREG III is a EU-funded Community Initiative. It provides financial support for integrated territorial development projects during the Structural Fund programming period (2000-2006).

The NWE Programme belongs to strand B of INTERREG III and supports transnational co-operation in the field of spatial development between national, regional and local authorities and a wide range of non-governmental organisations.

With a budget of 330 m€, it is the largest single Programme within INTERREG IIIB. It is built on the co-operation established in the INTERREG IIC NWMA Programme.


The INTERREG IIIB NWE Region of transnational co-operation covers eight countries and around 45% of the total EU population. It includes all of Ireland, the UK, Belgium and Luxembourg, most of the Netherlands, all the regions in the Northern part of France, several German "Bundesländer" and fifteen Swiss Cantons


A Mid-term Evaluation Report (1.3 MB pdf, English) and Mid-term Evaluation Recommendations (122KB pdf, English) were produced and are available from the download section of this page.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

We carried out the mid-term evaluation and produced an Evaluation Report and Recommendations.

Contact details

Siegfried Rupprecht
+49 221 6060 55 0

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