Project Details

Mobilnetzwerk Hannover - Funding advice for the Region's municipalities

A strategic and goal-oriented approach is needed to advance the transport transition. With the Transport Development Plan 2035+, Hannover Region is already actively working towards a transport turnaround. In order to bring together the various actors from the entire region, the initiative Mobilnetzwerk Hannover was launched.

Mobilnetzwerk Hannover - Funding advice for the Region's municipalities

Project details

Duration 05/2023 - 04/2023


Coordinator RC

Project goal

Through the initiative Mobilnetzwerk Hannover, there is an alliance of actors in the Hannover Region that is actively committed to a change in transport. The focus is on climate protection, quality of life and road safety.

The network brings together people from local authorities and administration, the field of transport planning and safety, as well as from urban society, business and science from the 20 Region municipalities, and supports and promotes innovative mobility concepts and ideas. Often, these cannot be implemented with financial resources alone and the acquisition of funding fails due to the sometimes difficult-to-understand funding landscape.

Here, Rupprecht Consult supports with its excellent knowledge of the national and European funding landscape and many years of experience in the acquisition of funding for cities and regions.


Through the project, the municipalities of the Hannover Region should gain a better understanding of funding opportunities and promote innovative mobility concepts and ideas through support in the application process.

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult supports the municipalities with its expertise in the implementation of measures, especially in the development of funding applications and communication with the funding bodies. On the basis of consultation meetings, we work together with the municipalities to further develop their ideas up to a complete project application.

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