Project Details


Many areas in the Baltic Sea Region, in particular its rural parts, are characterised by demographic changes, which cause particular challenges in terms of transport accessibility for various segments of the population. The situation is exacerbated by financial constraints of the public sector due to austerity measures, which limit the possibilities for subsidised forms of transport. This is not only problematic for the cohesion of the European Union but also for the social cohesion of local communities. The MAMBA project analysed and described these context conditions in a comprehensive manner and identified, developed, trialed and evaluated specific types of innovative solutions to such challenges. MAMBA was particularly interested in flexible, citizen supported (i.e. less state dependent), yet ecologically, socially and financially sustainable measures which are tailored to the specific national, regional, local, even cultural and topographic context.


Project details

Duration 10/2017 - 09/2020


Coordinator Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein; Technical Coordinator REM Consult

Project goal

With decreasing and ageing populations in many rural areas in the Baltic Sea Region and elsewhere, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up public transport and other services that depend on mobility, such as home care or home deliveries. This reduced accessibility of services impacts the quality of life of people living outside urban centres. The MAMBA project aimed to address this challenge by promoting sustainable “people-to-service” and “service-to-people” mobility solutions in rural areas. In practice, MAMBA partners collaborated to improve the integration of existing mobility structures with innovative mobility solutions like citizen buses, mobility as a service (MaaS) and ride sharing applications.


Results were released over the summer of 2020 and presented during a final online conference in September 2020. The core outputs were the following three documents:

  • <link https: wp-content uploads maximising-mobility-and-access-to-services-in-rural-areas-.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>Maximising Mobility and Access to Services – A Policy Guideline
  • A Guide to Collaborative Mobility Solutions in Rural Areas
  • <link file:3087 download file>Mobility for All in Rural Areas: Inspiring solutions from MAMBA

The latter two were produced by us and can be downloaded further below.


Role of Rupprecht Consult

We are not a formal member of the MAMBA consortium but supported the project as subcontractor with the development of two key outputs (see above). Both documents are intended as hands-on guidance material for various kinds of practitioners who wish to ensure an inclusive mobility system in rural areas. The empirical basis of these results consists of case studies conducted by other MAMBA partners, of the results of MAMBA’s pilot activities and of the research results of the <link project inclusion.html _blank external link in new>INCLUSION project, primarily the 50+ case studies on inclusive mobility solutions that we led.

Contact details

Ralf Brand
+49 221 6060 55 18