Project Details


The rapid proliferation of new technologies and disruptive innovations are threatening well established players across many sectors. Regulators and decision-makers acknowledge that existing frameworks may be inadequate in terms of protecting society, fostering business development and achieving integrated, sustainable mobility. GECKO will support authorities with tools and recommendations for new regulatory frameworks to lead the transition to the new mobility era of cooperative, inclusive, competitive, sustainable and interconnected mobility across all modes.


Project details

Duration 12/2018 - 05/2021

Coordinator UITP (International Association of Public Transport)

Project goal

1. To develop a picture of the existing technologies, services business models and trends in future mobility including:

  • Disruptive technologies, new mobility services and existing or future business models
  • Social, business and technological trends affecting the mobility market

2. To understand existing regulatory policies and governance models including:

  • Mapping regulatory policies and governance models
  • Identifying economic, political and social influences
  • Identifying barriers to emerging technologies
  • Finding the balace between private and public responsibilities

3. To assess the characteristics and requirements of regulatory schemes and governance levels necessary to accomodate distuptive mobility services and products

4. To create policy recommendations for policy makers at a range of Levels that enable adaptive and anticipatory regularoty schemes and governance and contribute to sustainable mobility goals

5. To establish a stakeholder engagement and networking process (100+ stakeholders) that creates direct channels to and among policy makers, businesses, technology service providers and communities so as to be able to co-design regulatory approaches which are fit for purpose

6. To disseminate project findings, recommendations and tools, leading to the initiation of new regulatory frameworks and to the development of emerging technologies, businesses and operating models


The planned outcomes of GECKO are 5 regulatory support tools:

    1. Knowledge bank: provide information and indicators about new mobility services, technologies and business models

    2. Regulatory framework dashboard: assessment tool for policies

    3. Compliance map: visualisation of the Dashboard applied to case studies

    4. Adaptive roadmap: target for better regulatory policy and actions needed for achievement

    5. Position paper: providing political robustness

Role of Rupprecht Consult

Rupprecht Consult leads the work package on stakeholder involvement and networking (WP5). This includes developing opportunities for exchange and eliciting input from 100 stakeholders from all related topic areas and sectors from across Europe and beyond. Rupprecht Consult also plays a role in the governance model guidelines (WP2) and in quality control (WP7).

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